The Rural City of Murray Bridge Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2028 is now open for public consultation.
Partnering with our community to develop this Draft Strategic Plan was important to us. Over 900 people were involved in the Let’s Thrive engagement process undertaken during July and August 2023, contributing over 2,000 individual priorities.
This was the first phase of engagement with the community, including businesses, to help shape the plan. We offered a range of ways to get involved including face to face workshops and drop ins across the whole rural city, online engagement and a reply-paid survey sent to all households. We incorporated discussions from other youth engagement activities and findings from recent engagements on the Murray Bridge Structure Plan and Community Satisfaction Survey.
Across all engagement methods we asked the community the same question: As we continue to work towards your vision of Thriving Communities, what do you think are the most important things for the Rural City of Murray Bridge to focus on in the next four years?
11 key inter-connected themes emerged which we grouped into four, distinct areas our community wants us to focus on. These include:
• The need to look after and plan well for our places and spaces. This ranges from roads and footpaths to our open space and natural environment.
• The need to activate and tell more people about our rural city. This includes making the most of our natural assets including the riverfront, tourism opportunities and the Murray Bridge CBD.
• The need to connect our communities better. This includes improved access, physical and social connections, and involvement across our communities.
• The need to support our communities as we grow. This includes making sure we have the services, facilities, skills and employment opportunities our community needs.
These needs have informed the development of this Draft Strategic Plan and helped shape the direction and our focus areas for the next four years.
The consultation closes 5pm Thursday 13 June 2024.
Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2028
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421
Murray Bridge SA 5253