New Dog Off-Leash Parks Trial

THE FREEDOM to run with the wind in their fur and chase a ball in the river is being trialed for dogs off-leash this summer, at Avoca Dell and Tumbella Drive Reserves, in Murray Bridge.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge initiative is now underway as the result of a recommendation from a Dogs in Public Places: Off-Leash Opportunities Study, undertaken last year as part of the Council’s Animal Management Plan.

The Council is eager to receive community feedback about how well the initiative was working.

More off-leash opportunities in the community were supported by 83% of people surveyed in the Off-Leash Opportunities study, with a high preference for locations along the riverfront.

Avoca Dell and Tumbella Drive Reserves were identified as the most suitable places for a trial but with the flood last summer impeding access, an extension to the trial is proposed and we are really keen to hear how people respond to the opportunity this summer.

The Council is working to establish a network of suitable places where people can safely exercise their dogs off-leash, to improve the health, fitness and general wellbeing of our furry friends and their owners.

Please complete the survey below to help us gather valuable insights about the trial, reserve use, community impact, suggestions for improvement and overall satisfaction.

Paper copies can be downloaded HERE and also found at the Local Government Centre and the Murray Bridge Library.

The Council is particularly eager to hear from residents, dog owners, reserve enthusiasts and all community members using the trial areas, or who plan to use them in the future.

This consultation closes 5pm Sunday 30 June 2024, when the trial also ends.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.