Draft Asset Management Portfolio Plan 2024-2034

Project Overview

A Draft Asset Management Portfolio Plan 2024-2034 has been created to align to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1999 and provides the required 10-year infrastructure and asset management plan thus supporting the management and development of infrastructure and major assets by the Rural City of Murray Bridge.

Having a plan ensures that Council is positioned to address challenges and opportunities of growth, community expectations, environmental pressures and financial constraints in a sustainable and balanced way.

The AMPP includes an overview of our:

- Assets and how we intend to manage them over the next 10 years-Operating context and internal/external drivers
- Asset Management Framework including policy, commitments and accountabilities
- Assessment of our asset management performance including an Improvement Plan
- Framework to manage our asset risks, including managing the vulnerability of our assets to the impacts of climate change

The Draft Asset Management Portfolio Plan Summary is designed for easy reading, providing a clear and concise overview of the Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan. It aligns with and complements the full plan by summarising its key points. Both the summary and full version of the AMPP are available in the documents folder.

Copies of the draft Asset Management Portfolio Plan 2024-2034 are available at:

  • Local Government Centre, 2 Seventh Street Murray Bridge;
  • Murray Bridge Library Level 2 / 51 South Terrace, Murray Bridge;
  • Lerwin Residential Care, 67 Joyce Street, Murray Bridge; or
  • Online at letstalk.murraybridge.sa.gov.au

Written comments should be addressed to :
Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421
Murray Bridge SA 5253.

Consultation closes 3pm Thursday 27 February 2025.

  • Community Consultation on Draft Asset Management Portfolio Plan 2024-2034
  • Council Meeting Presentation - Draft Asset Management Portfolio Plan 2024-2034

    Tuesday 28 January 2025 

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.