Murray Bridge Agriculture and Horticulture Society Inc Lease

Project Overview

Pursuant to Section 202 of the Local Government Act 1999 and in accordance with the Council's Public Consultation Policy, Council seeks feedback from interested persons concerning the proposed lease of a portion of the Murray Bridge Showgrounds to the Murray Bridge Agriculture and Horticulture Society Inc. (MBA&HS).

The Murray Bridge Showgrounds were originally owned by the MBA&HS and were transferred to Council ownership in 1983. Since then, the MBA&HS has leased a portion of the Showgrounds for agricultural and horticultural purposes.

In 2013, separate from the lease agreement, the MBA&HS entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Council to establish and maintain an RV-friendly park for self-contained vehicles within part of the leased area.

The MBA&HS plans to continue using the proposed leased area in alignment with the Community Land Management Plan. This plan designates agricultural and horticultural activities and events as permitted uses.

The proposal is for a five (5) plus five (5) year lease.

Feedback forms and a map of the proposed lease area are available online at the Council’s consultation portal,

Paper copies are available at the Local Government Centre and the Murray Bridge Library.

Consultation closes at 5pm Friday 31 January 2025.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.