Rating Review

Project Overview

The Rural City of Murray Bridge is inviting community feedback to determine whether the Council’s current rating structure should be reviewed.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge is now considering whether changes to its rating structure might better serve its community. Known as a Rating Review, this process examines how rates are distributed. It focuses on factors such as property values, capacity to pay and other socio-economic considerations. Importantly, this review does not evaluate the level of rates charged, the services provided by the Council or how much revenue total is raised.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge’s current rating structure calculates council rates using two main methods: a Differential Rate in the Dollar Percentage and a Minimum Rate. There’s also a separate charge called the Regional Landscape Levy, which is collected for the SA Government and isn’t part of this review.

Council rates are based on the value of a property. This value is determined by the Valuer-General and is multiplied by a rate in the dollar, which the Council sets to ensure it can fund services for the community.

The Differential Rate in the Dollar Percentage means that properties are charged at different rates depending on how they are used. For example, residential properties are charged a base rate, while commercial properties are charged 160% of the residential rate. Industrial properties are charged 140%, and farming (primary production) properties are charged 90% of the residential rate. Vacant land is charged 130% of the residential rate, and other land uses are charged the same as residential properties.

This structure helps ensure that rates take into account how properties are used and their contribution to the community.

For the 2024/25 financial year, the rates in the dollar for each land use are as follows:

Rate Class

Rate In Dollar 2024-25

Weighting compared to Residential Rate In Dollar










Primary Production









The Minimum Rate ensures that lower-valued properties contribute a set minimum amount. For 2024/25, this minimum rate is $1,152. If a property’s valuation multiplied by the applicable rate in the dollar results in an amount less than $1,152, the Minimum Rate applies instead.

The Rating Review will consider factors such as changes in property values and land use, differences between rural and urban areas, the impact of owner-occupied versus rental properties, discounts for primary producers and rates for vacant land.

Council is inviting feedback on four broad options:

  1. Retain the current structure.
  2. Maintain the minimum rate and adjust the Differential Rate in the Dollar Percentage for land use categories*
  3. Introduce a Fixed Charge of $750 (instead of a minimum rate) and adjust the Differential Rate in the Dollar Percentage for land use categories*
  4. Introduce a Fixed Charge of $500 (instead of a minimum rate) and adjust the Differential Rate in the Dollar Percentage for land use categories*

*Further information on each of these options can be found in the Rating Review Fact Sheet document - here

Community feedback will be collected through informal drop-in sessions, Council’s Let’s Talk platform and written submissions. Key Council administration staff will be available at the drop-in sessions to provide information and answer questions about the review, offering residents the opportunity to share perspectives and help shape the outcome.

Drop-in Session Details:

  • Wednesday 18 December 2024 | 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
  • Monday 13 January 2025| 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Rural City of Murray Bridge Local Government Centre

Written submissions can be sent by email to council@murraybridge.sa.gov.au or posted to:

Rating Policy Review Consultation
Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421
Murray Bridge SA 5253

Following the consultation, Council will decide in early 2025 whether changes are necessary. If no changes are required, the current structure will remain in place. If adjustments are recommended, further consultation will occur before any changes are implemented in the 2025/26 financial year.

Community input is vital to ensure the rating structure meets the needs of all ratepayers.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.