Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024-25 + Draft Long Term Financial Plan

Project Overview

The Rural City of Murray Bridge Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024-2025 and Long Term Financial Plan is now open for public consultation.

The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2024/25 kicks off the first year of implementation for the Strategic Plan 2024-2028. This plan details the services, activities and projects that Council proposes to deliver over the next 12 months, in working towards our shared vision of Thriving Communities. The plan focuses on the core services that community have told Council are important, such as maintaining the public realm and natural environment, enhancing recreational and leisure opportunities, and supporting community events, programs, and services. Council’s capital works program will invest in the renewal and care of existing infrastructure that provides for access and recreation, such as our roads and open spaces.

“The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2024/25 marks the first year of our new Strategic Plan 2024-2028. It outlines the services, activities and projects we are set to deliver this year, driving our community forward under the banner of 'Growing. Thriving. Strong.’ an expression which embodies who we are and our aspirations for the future”.

“Council recognises the cost-of-living pressures facing our community. We have made significant efforts to fund these costs through internal efficiency savings. By doing so we have been able to propose a budget with a 4.3% average rate increase for existing rate payers for 2024/25, which is in line with the March 2024 (Adelaide) Consumer Price Index rate of 4.3%”.

“We are also proposing to reduce the rate in the dollar by 8%. This is the third consecutive year a decrease has been delivered, with an average of 8.3% per year and a total reduction of 23% over three years”.

“We will continue to be flexible and reflect on our approach to service delivery to ensure we’re meeting the needs of our growing communities, as part of our Strategic Plan for the next four years”, said Mayor Thorley.

You are encouraged to read the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget, along with the Long Term Financial Plan and Council's Rating Policy and get involved by providing your feedback below.

We have also included other related documents to provide some additional information. These include:

  • ABP and Budget 2024-2025
  • RCMB Rating Policy
  • LTFP
  • Net Financial Indicators
  • Statement of Comprehensive income
  • Fact Sheet Roads Program
  • Fact Sheet Murraylands Skills Centre
  • Fact Sheet Kerbing Program
  • Fact Sheet Grants, Sponsorships, Awards and Events
  • Fact Sheet Footpaths
  • Fact Sheet Growth
  • Water and Sewerage Retail Services Hardship Policy
  • Schedule of Fees and Charges
  • Rates Financial Hardship Policy

A Special Council Meeting to hear submissions will be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at the Local Government Centre.

The consultation closes 5pm Thursday 13 June 2024.

Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024-25+ Long Term Financial Plan
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421
Murray Bridge SA 5253

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.